Lesson 1.4 Who am I? What can I do? What do I want?

Make a short video of yourself

In this lesson you will start making a short video of yourself. In this you introduce yourself. Someone who has never seen you before should get a good idea of who you are, what you like, what you are good at and what you want to develop yourself in.

Make the video in the form of a selfie video and make sure that the video is not too short, but certainly not too long (the guideline is between 1.5 and 2.5 minutes).

To achieve a good result, follow these steps:

  1. Work in pairs (make duos)
  2. Write down, of yourself, what your most important qualities are. Helpful questions: Who am I? What am I good at? What do I want to create in the world? And how can I do that with respect for society? Use what you have learned earlier and/or have described in your Personal Mastery diary.
  3. Share your insights with your friend/girlfriend/classmate and ask what he/she thinks about it.
  4. Share the results with each other and identify each other's most important insights.
  5. Create your personal video based on these insights (see tips & tricks above). If desired, do this together with your friend/girlfriend/classmate.
  6. If you wish, share your video with others and do the evaluation/reflection in your Personal Mastery Journal.

Learning objectives

The learning objective of this lesson is threefold.

  1. First, become aware of your qualities and pitfalls, as seen by yourself.
  2. Secondly, expressing these qualities and pitfalls in a personal video.
  3. Thirdly, being able to share your insights with and towards each other with respect.

Program (4 lessons)

The program of this lesson covers a total of 4 lessons.

  • In the first hour you will start describing your own qualities/pitfalls. Based on this you will make a short script of the video you are going to make (Who am I, in essence? What are my qualities / what am I good at? What do I want to be / become?).
  • The second and third hour you have time to make your own video. In the video above you see tips & tricks that help you to achieve a good result. Use your teammate if this feels good. Of course it can also be a choice to record the video alone.
  • In the fourth hour you share the videos with each other. The lesson is concluded with an evaluation/reflection based on the set learning goals. Everything is described in the personal mastery diary.

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