What is Personal Mastery?

Take control of your own life

There are many definitions of Personal Mastery. But the common denominator of all these definitions is that with Personal Mastery you take control of your own life.

Personal Mastery is what takes you from "where you are => Current Reality" to "where you want to go => Ambition/Aspiration". For this you need insight into who you are, what you are good at and what you can and, above all, want to bring to this world.

ImportantPersonal Mastery does not lead you to an end goal, it is an ongoing process. You can always continue to develop your SELF. It is a learning journey that never ends.

Creative tension model

With Personal Mastery you resolve the tension between Current Reality and Vision. Between;

  • where you are (Current Reality) and
  • where you want to go (Vision)

For example; you grow up in poverty and you want to change this. Then hopefully you have two choices (not everyone has the luxury of choice!).

  1. Problem solving: You start solving one problem after another that comes with poverty, such as eating (cheap) junk food, living in a (cheap) neighborhood, or quitting bad habits/behaviors.
  2. Create: Or you invest in yourself by trying to finish school and find a good job.

This sounds like life can be planned, but that is not always the case! It's good to plan, but be prepared to adapt if things don't go as planned, and they will!!!

Definition Personal Mastery
(Peter Senge)

“Personal mastery is the discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our...
personal vision, of focusing our energy, of developing patience and of being able to see things objectively

Personal mastery is a lifelong journey and is not something to possess or a destination to achieve.

Peter M. Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Science of The
Learning Organization.

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