2 pm - Welcome and introduction to the theme by host Eline Faber
2.15 pm - Choice worc shop 1: Werkplein Drentsche Aa, or Erasmus+ (see below)
3.15 pm - Choice worc shop 2: Retina, or SOL interaction learning culture (see below)
4.15 pm - Special (free) offer MOOC - The Magic of a Learning Culture
4.30 pm - Interview by Eline Faber, connection 4 workshops and essence Learning Culture
5:00 PM - End
Workshops, practical examples, in conversation
In a number of workshops we enter into discussions with organizations that, directly or indirectly, have built up a learning climate in which employees learn and develop together. Stories of organizations that have discovered the importance of having a learning climate through trial and error. We also discuss society and how it is developing. We look at the system as a whole and what effect this has on people and organisations.
Choose from 4 workshops
Workshop 1:
Team development as a basis for learning climate, Remco Bruggink (WPDA) and Eline Faber
Werkplein Drentsche Aa is an organization without team leaders, where management and employees manage together. For WPDA, that is clearly different from self-management. Trust is the basis: not only in the resident or client, but also in the craftsmanship of the employees. The focus is on team development, and from October 2021, even more investments have been made in this with the O3 program, i.e. Encounter, Research and Development. You will hear about the effect of this on the service provision in this workshop.
Workshop 3:
Learning culture in an international perspective Patrick Bijman (SOL)
What does a learning culture look like in practice? SOL NL has collaborated with SOL partners in Hungary, France and Spain on a subsidized Erasmus+ project.
In these countries, an organization (profit and non-profit) has conducted research into the degree of a learning culture, its aspects and practical stories of employees. In the Netherlands, the Aa en Maas Water Board has cooperated with this. The Erasmus+ project is related to a recently developed Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) entitled "The magic of a learning culture", a collaboration with SOL partners from Botswana, India, Germany and France. Good Practices from all countries are included herein.
Workshop 2:
People at the center
Philip Lomans (Retina) & Nicolette Groen
In this dynamic organization, employees feel ownership of their own development and work. You can read through this blog how this works out for one of them. Freedom and responsibility have gone hand in hand for twelve years, based on the natural principles of an ecosystem. Such an approach automatically creates a culture of learning within the organization, in which leadership, self-organization and autonomy play an important role.
Workshop 4:
The interaction: What does a culture teach its participants and what does a culture learn from its participants? Guus Geisen & Rembrandt Zegers (SOL)
Guus Geisen and Rembrandt Zegers will discuss society, our ecosystem with the participants.
It will be a special conversation about learning in and as a society. By distancing yourself you will be able to observe what is happening and what that means for us as individuals, as a group and for society. The purpose of this is to stand still, to create space to really be present and to understand the complexity.
MOOC "Magic of a Learning Culture"
Receive free access to our e-learning "Magic of a Learning Culture" until the end of 2022
The Society for Organizational Learning has been working for the past two years on a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) called "Magic of a Learning Culture".
Here you will find the theoretical assumptions, principles and backgrounds as well as examples of so-called Good Practices in the field of developing a learning culture.
If you register now before November 3, you will receive one month of free access to this MOOC.
MOOC - Magic of a Learning Culture is the result of an international collaboration between Nicolette Groen, Finn Hampel, Camila Amaya Castro, Maninder Khalsa, Tebogo Mogaleemang and Patrick Bijman.
Learning Culture, more urgent than ever:
Developing a learning culture in your organization is more urgent and topical than ever. And perhaps more complex than ever. Because how can you learn if you are in a continuous state of stress as an individual, as an organization or as a society? How do you create a learning culture in this time of complex issues following each other at lightning speed? On this day we will look together for answers to these questions.
Workshops and conversations
Practical workshops: We have three workshops in store for you in which you will receive examples of organizations that, directly or indirectly, are working on this theme in practice. No ready-made quick wins. But stories of organizations that have discovered the importance of having a learning climate through trial and error.
Interactive conversation: A fourth workshop focuses on society with all its challenges. This is where many of the aspects that we mention in the practical workshops come together (systemic connection).
Learning from practice
if Organization Learning Foundation We believe that you learn the most through practice. By doing it yourself and by learning from what others have done. In the case studies we focus on both the success and the struggle. Because without friction there is no shine and without mistakes little is learned.
What we do find important is to pay attention to the systemic connection between the various components.
Learning and Developing
In the recent LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report 2022 are the 'top drivers of a great work culture'. This shows that you are an attractive employer if you focus on the opportunities for learning and development for your employees. This desire among employees has grown enormously in recent years. From place 9 to place 1 in more than one year!
It also shows that employees want to feel connected to the mission and vision of the organization (Belonging) and that the organization does what it promises (Organizational Values). This ties in with the five disciplines of Peter Senge's groundbreaking work 'The fifth Discipline'.
The challenge:
How do you change the culture without changing the culture? In other words, how do we create meaningful learning and working environments in which participants learn in practice how they can participate sustainably in new (work) situations. With the aim of being able to solve challenging issues in a continuously changing society?
The solution direction:
Armin Trost makes it clear in the video above. A culture only changes if the attitude and behavior of the employees changes sustainably. And this will only change if employees actively choose to do so based on challenges that are meaningful to them. Facilitation & Care are essential components for this.
Do you have any questions about the organisation, the program or how to view the workshops after the workshop?
Contact Patrick Bijman,