Cycle: The 5 Doctrines


Participation in the Learning Fables Course of the Stichting Organisatie Leren NL



SOL: The 5 Doctrines

setup: Four online meetings of 2 hours + a start-up day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., in which we discuss the content of the fables research and translate it into your practical work in your organization (case). You read the fable in question before the meeting. During the meeting we investigate the content of the fable ourselves and together you translate the insights and knowledge into your own practice. 

The learning fables:
  1. The tip of the iceberg
  2. The Lemmings' Dilemma
  3. In the shadow of the Neander Valley
  4. Listening to the volcano
  5. Outsmart the wolves

The learning fables help us to clarify in a playful way:

  • what is the essence of a Learning Organization,
  • why it is important in these times to be a learning organization
    become and stay
  • how to become and stay learning
  • what you can do to actually become and be it.

Each fable makes different parts of the Learning Organization specific. The five fables together give you insight into the whole. This will help you to make your own organization more learning.

The Learning Fables program consists of the following components:

  • Start day: The start of the program is a live meeting (at a location to be determined centrally in the Netherlands) on September 23, 2024, between 10 am and 4 pm.
  • Four floor half-days: These are on October 28, 2024, November 25, 2024, January 27, 2025 and March 3, 2025 (online between 3 and 5 p.m.)
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