Taking control of your life

There are many definitions of Personal Mastery. But the common denominator of all these definitions is that with Personal Mastery you take control of your own life.

Personal mastery means first of all that you learn to keep a personal vision and a clear picture of the current reality in mind. It teaches you not to shy away from reality. Even during difficult moments you must be able to ask yourself: What is going on? Why is this reality so difficult? What contribution can I make? 

That also means making choices. Finding the measures yourself to shape your vision and destination. It is actually a kind of conversation with yourself. What is really important and what could I do to realize this? The limits of personal mastery, but also the possibilities, lie with yourself (source).

Personal Mastery is what takes you from "where you are => Reality" to "where you want to go => Ambition". For this you need insight into who you are, what you are good at and what you can bring to this world.

Personal Mastery Model

In the model we use, "awareness" is central. This is the first step in any learning process aimed at personal development. 

IMPORTANT: Personal Mastery does not lead you to an end goal, it is a continuous development process. You can always continue to develop your SELF. It is a learning path that never ends.

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