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Rock your SELF is a personal mastery program for young people. Pupils/students aged 10 to 18 develop answers to the questions themselves; Who am I? What am I good at? What do I want to create in the world? And how can I do that with respect for society?

16 Lessons - none

Subscribers only

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Rock your SELF is a personal mastery program for young people. Pupils/students aged 10 to 18 develop answers to the questions themselves; Who am I? What am I good at? What do I want to create in the world? And how can I do that with respect for society? With the aim of gaining (more) control over their own lives.
With this so-called "Train the Trainer program", participants can support teachers in providing classroom day programs focused on Personal Mastery.

17 Lessons - none

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Organizations that develop a Learning Culture realize magical results. They become frontrunner organizations where employees are more happy and productive. Where changes and innovations get off the ground much more easy And where the organization is more flexible to deal with change and more attractive and inclusive to work for.

46 Lessons - none

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Learning Practice Teams is a proven, powerful team methodology with which you realize a meaningful learning and working environment. This forms the basis for teams to develop into so-called “high performing teams”.

A methodology that can be gradually expanded to multiple teams. Which in the long run can result in a more learning culture. We also call this the “Water Lily Model”. Water lilies are difficult to grow in a ditch. But, if one grows and blooms, the entire ditch will be full of blooming water lilies in no time.

This is how it works with LPTs (Learning Practice Teams). The first team gets the most choice. Will learn the most. Has a high stamina. Will have to prove himself first. Only then will there be more.

LPTs consist of 6 to 8 employees and tackle a concrete complex problem or (innovation) project.

1 Lesson - none

Subscribers only

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Learning is equated by many people with "looking up the school desks". Makes sense, when you want to achieve specific goals and/or a certain diploma is necessary for certain (new) job qualifications. You often focus on so-called hard skills. Subject-specific knowledge/skills that can be defined and measured.

But the biggest challenge lies in learning soft skills (including leadership, communication, collaboration, etc.). This is more difficult to measure, but it is what makes you more effective in your daily functioning as a professional.

You learn soft skills “on the job”, by doing it!

This is what we mean by Personal Mastery; the optimal use of your knowledge, skills and qualities in practice.

6 Lessons - none

en_GBEnglish (UK)