data activities sol community

We organize various activities for our SOL Community members every year. Such as workshops, open space meetings and conferences.

Activities SOL Community 2024

 5 Open Space meetings (free for SOL members)

SOL is organizing five Open Space meetings in 2024. These are only accessible to SOL Members (see SOL Community membership).

Every participant can submit a question, problem, situation or challenge. We will then work on it using the World Café methodology.

These Open Space meetings are online (via Zoom) and will take place in 2024 on every last Friday morning of January, March, May, September & November (with the exception of national holidays):

  • Friday January 26 (9:30 AM - 12:00 PM)
  • Friday March 29 (9:30 AM - 12:00 PM)
  • Friday May 31 (9:30 AM - 12:00 PM)
  • Friday, September 27 (9:30 AM - 12:00 PM)
  • Friday, November 29 (9:30 AM - 12:00 PM)
5 Workshops (free for SOL members)

SOL is organizing five in-depth workshops in 2024. These are accessible free of charge to SOL Members (see SOL membership). Non-SOL members pay €45 per workshop.

These online (via zoom) workshops will take place in 2024 on every last Friday morning of the months of February, April, June, August, October (with the exception of national holidays):

  • Friday February 23 (9:30 am - 12:00 pm) Workshop 1
  • Friday April 26 (9:30 am - 12:00 pm) Workshop 2
  • Friday June 28 (9:30 am - 12:00 pm) Workshop 3
  • Friday, August 30 (9:30 AM - 12:00 PM) Workshop 4
  • Friday October 25 (9.30am - 12.00pm) Workshop 5

With SOL we focus on learning as a Person, as a Team, as an Organization and as a Society. To support this, we also pay attention to Learning Leadership and Learning Culture.

In each workshop we emphasize one of the aspects related to learning in organizations.

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Workshop 1: Learning on the job
Work adjustment in order to learn (even more).
Nicolette Green
March 15, 2024 (9:30 am - 12 noon)

SOL members: free

non-member: €45 (excl. VAT)

Informal learning is crucial for the ability of employees and organizations to successfully adapt to changing circumstances. But how can you stimulate this?

During this workshop we will discuss the results of the thesis research into work adjustment behavior of employees in order to learn (more):

  • How do employees adapt their work to promote their own learning?
  • What learning climate can promote or hinder this?
  • What is the role of self-efficacy in this?

We discuss our own work adjustment behavior and the learning climate in our own working environment. Together we investigate options to influence this in a positive way and to increase informal learning in this way.

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Workshop 2: Learning by Facilitating 
Based on the desire to create a working environment where working and learning are one.
Patrick Bijman
April 26, 2024 (9:30 am - 12 noon)

SOL members: free

non-member: €45 (excl. VAT)

Patrick Bijman has been studying the learning culture and its application in practice for years. In this workshop he discusses the 8 characteristics in organizations with a learning culture.  

With the help of practical examples, you will gain more insight into how you can get started with promoting a learning culture in your organization. 

We will work in pairs or threes with the following specific questions: What do you recognize of these 8 characteristics and what do you not? Where is the gear/lever located for you? Where are the opposing forces in your organization?

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Workshop 3: Twelve systems thinking interventions
Based on the book 'Thinking in Systems' by Donella Meadows. 
Gus Geisen
June 28, 2024 (9:30 am - 12 noon)

SOL members: free

non-member: €45 (excl. VAT)

When you work on development you can do so from two approaches: 

  • the problem, or
  • the desired development

The focus on the problem often arises from the issues of the day, the short term. The focus on the desired development is mainly aimed at long-term effects.

In this workshop you will learn more about the effects of the different interventions. We make the 12 interventions from Meadows' book concrete and investigate which combination of interventions can be effective in everyday practice.

Donella Meadows was an American scientist at MIT. She is known as the author of 'The Limits to Growth' from 1972.

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 Workshop 4: Learning culture
The MOOC ΅the Magic of a learning culture" explained in more detail
Patrick Bijman
August 30, 2024 (9:30 am - 12 noon)

SOL members: free

non-member: €45 (excl. VAT)

SOL is an international organization. Together with other SOL countries, the Organization for Learning Foundation has conducted research into (A) what a learning culture looks like, (B) what the possible benefits of such a learning culture are and (C) how you can create such a learning culture within your own organization. can develop.

The results of this international research have been included in a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) "the Magic of a Learning Culture". This MOOC is central to this workshop.

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Workshop 5: The team learning top 5
How do you create a learning culture in your team?
Eline Faber
October 25, 2024 (9:30 am - 12 noon)

SOL members: free

non-member: €45 (excl. VAT)

Books have been written about team coaching, team development and team building. Theories tumble over each other and you can no longer see the forest for the trees. Moreover, every team is unique. What is and isn't working in your team? Where are the blockages and how do you solve them?

In this workshop you will receive practical tools to take team learning in your team in the right direction. The most important question we are trying to solve is: “How?”

We will discuss, among other things, the wisdom of the group, changing attitudes and beliefs, practical tools for decision-making and the connection between team and organizational problems. 

Activities SOL Community 2023

Peter Senge is coming to the Netherlands!
You can meet him during our Day of the Learning Organization on April 4, 2023. 

This year's theme is Personal Mastery. That's not a coincidence. Peter Senge is working hard on an important global initiative: the Inner Development Goals. The idea behind this is that we can only achieve the Sustainable Development Goals if we develop the inner capacity to deal with our increasingly complex environment and challenges. In other words: working on development through Personal Mastery.

Costs: 245 euros ex. VAT 
Early bird rate € 195,- ex. VAT (registration no later than 15 February)
The magic of a Learning Culture
 April 20, 2023 (3 - 5 pm)

SOL Nederland started an international initiative last year. A team of 5 SOL members has developed a so-called MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in the field of Learning Culture. 

Why is developing a Learning Culture interesting? How do you do that? And what concrete results does this lead to in practice?

We are currently in the best practice collection phase. We do this by conducting interviews with organizations that have a learning culture, or are on their way to this. In addition, with the help of an Erasmus+ grant, we are conducting targeted research into 5 best practices in 5 countries in Europe.

We need reflection from our own community. Are you interested in this topic? And do you want to share your knowledge, skills and experience? Register for this online session for free.

Access knowledge sharing session April 20, 2023: Free  (including login to the MOOC Learning Culture)

Learning fables course
6 workshops + 1 Practical day

April 13 - May 11 - June 15 - July 6 - Sept 7 - 5 Oct. 

Peter Senge's book 'The fifth discipline' is based on five disciplines of the learning organization: 

- Personal mastery

- Joint vision

- Team learning

- Mental models

- Systems thinking

But how does this actually work in practice?

And what happens if it doesn't work?

This is beautifully described in 5 fables about the learning organization. In a playful and humorous way you get acquainted with a rather complex subject. 

In five online workshops we discuss each of these 5 fables and translate them into your daily practice. 

Inspiration and fun guaranteed, so sign up now! 

Total price: € 695,- (excl VAT / including booklets)

Activities SOL Community 2022

Stichting Organisatie Leren - SOL - brainstorm buiten
Dynamics of the Learning Culture
November 3, 2022 (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM)

Developing a learning culture in your organization is more urgent and topical than ever. And perhaps more complex than ever. Because how can you learn if you are in a continuous state of stress as an individual, as an organization or as a society?

How do you create a learning culture in this time of complex issues following each other at lightning speed? On this day we will look together for answers to these questions.

We have three workshops in store for you in which you will receive examples of organizations that, directly or indirectly, are working on this theme in practice. No ready-made quick wins. But stories of organizations that have discovered the importance of having a learning climate through trial and error. 

A fourth workshop focuses on society with all its challenges. This is where many of the aspects that we mention in the practical workshops come together (systemic connection).

Entrance fee: Free (registration required)

The magic of a Learning Culture
 24 Feb. 2022 (3pm - 5pm)

SOL Nederland started an international initiative last year. A team of 5 SOL members has developed a so-called MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in the field of Learning Culture. 

Why is developing a Learning Culture interesting? How do you do that? And what concrete results does this lead to in practice?

We are currently in the best practice collection phase. We do this by conducting interviews with organizations that have a learning culture, or are on their way to this. In addition, with the help of an Erasmus+ grant, we are conducting targeted research into 5 best practices in 5 countries in Europe.

We need reflection from our own community. Are you interested in this topic? And do you want to share your knowledge, skills and experience? Register for this online session for free.

Access knowledge sharing session February 24: Free  (including login to the MOOC Learning Culture)


The Five Disciplines of Peter Senge
explained and applied in 5 fables
Mar 17 - April 14 - May 12 - June 16 - (last date in consultation)  

Peter Senge's book 'The fifth discipline' is based on five disciplines of the learning organization: 

- Personal mastery

- Joint vision

- Team learning

- Mental models

- Systems thinking

But how does this actually work in practice?

And what happens if it doesn't work?

This is beautifully described in 5 fables about the learning organization. In a playful and humorous way you get acquainted with a rather complex subject. 

In five online workshops we discuss each of these 5 fables and translate them into your daily practice. 

Inspiration and fun guaranteed, so sign up now! 

Access 5 fables: € 195 (excl. VAT / including booklets)

Time of day: 3-5pm, online

Activities SOL Community 2021

Our annual Day of the Learning Organization in 2021 will be dominated by "Learning Culture". How do I build and maintain a culture of learning within my organization?
With Nigel Paine as keynote speaker.

Location: RVO The Hague

Access: €95 / SOL Pro members 50% discount

April 29, 2021 (15:00-16:30) SOL Webinar Multi-Stakeholder collaboration
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From March 1 Learning Leadership
A three-month training for middle management (link between management and employees).

The Organization Learning Foundation (SOL) is located in Haarlem. We are registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 41211494.
Our bank account: NL55 TRIO 0254 8476 33. You can reach us via:

Join the SOL Community for free and receive instant the e-paper Learning Culture for free in your mailbox!

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